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Data Security & Confidentiality

Our IT Department maintains 24/7 Server monitoring in order to ensure that valuable data were kept safe and secure.

As a safety measure against network attacks, we implemented secured login in our FTP server by providing our clients with security access codes.

We also implemented data encryption and password protection on every data transmitted to and from our secured server.







Who should Outsource?

  • SOHO (small office home office)
  • Small and medium enterprises (SME)
  • Large businesses and empires with diversified interests and varied business processes.
  • Medical Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Law Firms
  • Sales & Marketing Company

Every business benefits hugely through outsourcing because technology is changing so fast, it has to be leveraged and used to the maximum to deliver competitive advantage to a company.

When should you outsource?

  • When you're losing focus on your core business because you're too busy handling operations
  • When you're facing a time, money and human resource crunch
  • When you have a mission-critical project that needs all your time and energy, plus specialized skills which aren't readily available
  • When you've got to be the first into the market to gain the edge

Why Outsource to Us?

  • We have a pool of highly specialized personnel.
  • We have the technological infrastructure which is highly secured & scalable.
  • We operate 24/7, to meet your required turnaround time.